You know your favorite movies, and you know your favorite actors, but have you ever wondered what the actors in your favorite movies call their own favorites? Wonder no more!
Below, you’ll find 23 famous actors, revealing their secret movies they love to indulge in, and letting us know exactly which ones top their list of favorites.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. We’re sure you’ll be adding a few of these to your movie marathon list before you reach the end!
Firstname Surname Favorite Movie Year Quote
Don Cheadle City of God 2002 Link
Zoe Saldana The Terminator 1984 Link
Sophie Turner Ancorman 2004 Link
Seth MacFarlane The Sound of Music 1964 Link
Ben Foster The Jerk 1979 Link
Charlize Theron I Could Go On Singing 1963 Link
Jerry Seinfeld The Heartbreak Kid 1972 Link
Morgan Freeman King Kong 1933 Link
Heath Ledger The Wizard of Oz 1939 Link
Tim Allen The Seven Samurai 1954 Link
Dennis Miller A Man for All Seasons 1966 Link
Uma Thurman Pillow Talk 1959 Link
Dennis Quaid Lawrence of Arabia 1962 Link
Christopher Plummer The Court Jester 1955 Link
Emily Blunt Jaws 1975 Link
Brie Larson A Woman Is a Woman 1961 Link
Geoffrey Rush City Lights 1931 Link
Rupert Grint Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory 1971 Link
John Cena Blazing Saddles 1974 Link
Seth Rogan The Big Lebowski 1998 Link
Robert Pattinson Prenom Carmen 1983 Link
Rachel Weisz Harold and Maude 1971 Link
Amy Adams Gone With the Wind 1939 Link
Ben Foster
The Jerk (1979)
“The Jerk – You couldn’t get away with making that movie today. It’s wild. I mean, it’s a huge movie; and absolutely insane. I watch that several times a year – it’s a go-to on the road.”
Source – Interview with Rotten Tomatoes, 2011
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Ben Fosters’s favorite movie is The Jerk (1979)!”]
Morgan Freeman
King Kong (1933)
“My number one favorite film was the first film I ever saw – I was six-years-old before I ever went to the movies – and that film is the original King Kong. It’s still, I think, the best King Kong.”
Source – Interview with Rotten Tomatoes, 2011
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Morgan Freeman’s favorite movie is King Kong (1933)!”]
Charlize Theron
I Could Go On Singing (1963)
“It is the best movie I’ve ever seen. Why? Because when a movie is on at seven in the morning, and you’re up intently watching it, then you know it must be a good movie.”
Source – Cindy Pearlman’s You Gotta See This.
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Charlize Theron’s favorite movie is I Could Go On Singing (1963)!”]
Sophie Turner
Anchorman (2004)
“Anchorman is my favorite movie in the world. I was yelling, like, “I love lamp!”, [when she met Steve Carell] and waiting for him to reply.”
Source – MTV News, 2016
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Sophie Turner’s favorite movie is Anchorman (2004)! #celebrity #movies #sophieturner #queenofthenorth #actor #hollywood #mtp”]
Zoe Saldana
Terminator (1984)
“One movie that has always resonated with me is The Terminator. I just loved it. It really helped me a lot, to understand the kind of actor I wanted to be.”
Source – Interview with Rotten Tomatoes, 2011
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Zoe Saldana’s favorite movie is The Terminator (1984)! #celebrity #movies #zoesaldana #actor #hollywood #mtp”]
Don Cheadle
City of God (2002)
“I’ll say City of God…It is so special in its storytelling, a perfectly executed, beautifully shot, wasting nothing, brilliant acting, etc. What’s not to like?”
Source – Interview with Rotten Tomatoes, 2008
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Don Cheadle’s favorite movie is City of God!”]
Seth MacFarlane
The Sound of Music (1964)
“I gotta give it to The Sound of Music. I’m sorry. I know that’s, like, a lame answer, but I f***in’ love The Sound of Music. It’s The Sound of Music…”
Source – Interview with IGN, 2003
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Seth MacFarlane’s favorite movie is The Sound of Music (1964)! #celebrity #movies #sethmacfarlance #familyguy #actor #hollywood #mtp”]
Jerry Seinfeld
The Heartbreak Kid (1972)

“The greatest movie comedy of all time, and this is not a matter of opinion, is The Heartbreak Kid with Charles Grodin, Cybill Shepherd, and Eddie Albert.”
Source – Interview with EW, 2013
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Jerry Seinfeld’s favorite movie is The Heartbreak Kid (1972)! #celebrity #movies #jerryseinfeld #actor #hollywood #mtp”]
Heath Ledger
The Wizard of Oz (1939)

“I have to say The Wizard of Oz. I saw it about ten times when I was little, because it was the only film my parents allowed my to see as a kid. I just love the magic of it.”
Source – Cindy Pearlman’s You Gotta See This.
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Heath Ledger’s favorite movie is The Wizard of Oz (1939)! #celebrity #movies #heathledger #actor #hollywood #mtp”]
Tim Allen
The Seven Samurai (1954)

“Great pieces of movie making last forever. And I still think The Seven Samurai…it doesn’t get much better than that.”
Source – Interview with AFI, 2007
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Tim Allen’s favorite movie is The Seven Samurai (1954)! #celebrity #movies #timallen #handyman #actor #hollywood #mtp”]
Dennis Miller
A Man for All Seasons (1966)

“My favorite film of all time is probably A Man for All Seasons. Paul Scofield. John Hurt in his maiden screen voyage, plays Richard Rich in there.”
Source – Interview on The O’Reilly Factor, 2008
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Dennis Miller’s favorite movie is A Man For All Seasons (1966)! #celebrity #movies #dennismiller #actor #hollywood #mtp”]
Uma Thurman
Pillow Talk (1959)

“All my life I wanted to be Doris Day. One of my favorites is Pillow Talk. It’s a light, breezy romp of a film that’s so much fun to watch.”
Source – Cindy Pearlman’s You Gotta See This
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Uma Thurman’s favorite movie is Pillow Talk (1959)! #celebrity #movies #umathurman #actor #hollywood #mtp”]
Dennis Quaid
Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

“He’s always been my favorite director [David Lean]. Lawrence of Arabia is my favorite movie of all time.”
Source – Contact Music, 2004
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Dennis Quaid’s favorite movie is Lawrence of Arabia (1962)! #celebrity #movies #dennisquaid #actor #hollywood #mtp”]
Christopher Plummer
The Court Jester (1955)

“Every Christmas we put it on. And it’s such a funny – goddamn, it’s a funny movie. And wonderfully played by a superb cast.”
Source – National Post, 2015
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Christopher Plummer’s favorite movie is The Court Jester (1955)! #celebrity #movies #christopherplummer #actor #hollywood #mtp”]
Emily Blunt
Jaws (1975)

“Jaws is my favorite film of all time. I’ve seen it about 30 times. It has amazing characters and it has this very commercial, suspenseful backdrop, so I do think it’s a perfect movie.”
Source – Interview with Rotten Tomatoes, 2012
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Emily Blunt’s favorite movie is Jaws (1975)! #celebrity #movies #emilyblunt #actor #hollywood #mtp”]
Brie Larson
A Woman Is a Woman (1961)

“This has always been my favorite Godard film. Between Anna Karina, her red tights, and the celebration of American musicals, it manages to sum up all my favorite things.”
Source – The Criterion Collection
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Brie Larsons’s favorite movie is A Woman is a Woman (6179)!”]
Geoffrey Rush
City Lights (1931)

“I think they’re all fairly artful pieces of work, but I think my all-time favorite is Charlie Chaplin’s City Lights…I’ve always loved that film.”
Source – Interview with Rotten Tomatoes, 2010
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Geoffrey Rush’s favorite movie is City of Lights (1931)! #celebrity #movies #geoffreyrush #actor #hollywood #mtp”]
Rupert Grint
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (1971)

“I have never gotten this film out of my head. The disturbing humor and strong characters make it one of the favorites that I regularly watch.”
Source – Interview with Rotten Tomatoes, 2010
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Rupert Grint’s favorite movie is Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (1971)! #celebrity #movies #rupertgrint #actor #hollywood #mtp”]
John Cena
Blazing Saddles (1974)

“It makes fun of everyone. The comedy stands the test of time, and it’s just a wonderful film and an example of not taking yourself too seriously.”
Source – Interview with Rotten Tomatoes, 2017
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – John Cena’s favorite movie is Blazing Saddles (1974)! #celebrity #movies #JOHHHNNCEENNAA #actor #hollywood #mtp”]
Seth Rogan
The Big Lebowski (1998)

“Obviously amazing. It’s hilarious. I can watch it over and over. Unbelievably funny.”
Source – Interview with Rotten Tomatoes, 2008
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Seth Rogan’s favorite movie is The Big Lebowski (1998)! #celebrity #movies #sethrogan #laughingman #actor #hollywood #mtp”]
Robert Pattinson
Prenom Carmen (1983)

“A Godard film called Prenom Carmen, which sounds like I’m just saying that to be cool, but it’s actually one of my favorite films.”
Source – Interview with Rotten Tomatoes, 2008
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Robert Pattinson’s favorite movie is Prenom Carmen (1983)! #celebrity #movies #robertpattinson #actor #hollywood #mtp”]
Rachel Weisz
Harold and Maude (1971)

“I believe it got very bad reviews when it came out, almost unanimously, but is, I think, probably one of the great comedies ever made.”
Source – Interview with Rotten Tomatoes, 2017
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Rachel Weisz’s favorite movie is Harold and Maude (1971)! #celebrity #movies #rachelweisz #actor #hollywood #mtp”]
Amy Adams
Gone With the Wind (1939)

“I was obsessed with it. It was so romantic: the gowns, the drama, the war? and I loved American history, as well; it was my favorite subject. I was a freak on Gone With the Wind.”
Source – Interview with Rotten Tomatoes, 2010
[mashshare shares=”false” text=”Check it out – Amy Adam’s favorite movie is Gone With The Wind (1939)! #celebrity #movies #amyadams #actor #hollywood #mtp”]
Phew! That was one long journey!
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P.S. If you’d like to see a specific actor on the list, throw it in the comments and we’ll see what we can do.
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